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Digitization and Automation at KLINGER Dichtungstechnik

Digital transformation at KLINGER Dichtungstechnik: ✔ Software supported gasket production ✔ Automated manufacturing process ✔ Digital quality management

Everybody else talks about it, we do it: Digitization and automation are already implemented in many work processes throughout KLINGER Dichtungstechnik. News of this also reached Federal Minister Margarete Schramböck, who paid our factory a visit.

In mid-November 2021, the KLINGER team in Gumpoldskirchen welcomed a prestigious visitor: Margarete Schramböck, Austrian Federal Minister for Digital and Economic Affairs, inspected the technical infrastructure and automation processes at KLINGER Dichtungstechnik. “It was an honor for us to welcome the minister, politicians and business representatives,” says Peter Müller, CFO of the KLINGER Group. During the factory tour, the visitors got up close and personal with the calenders, took an in-depth look at the gasket production and clearly displayed their enthusiasm for the innovative strength of the Austrian “Hidden Champion” KLINGER.


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Discover the departments of KLINGER Dichtungstechnik

With 300 employees, the holding company, two production sites, a trading house and an apprentice workshop in Gumpoldskirchen alone, KLINGER makes a significant contribution to value creation in the region. What is less well known is that KLINGER Dichtungstechnik combines its more than 135 years of history at this location with a keen sense of cutting-edge modernization processes. As a result, gasket production at the Gumpoldskirchen site has become a best-practice model in terms of digital transformation and will serve as guiding light for KLINGER branches around the world. The automated manufacturing processes and software adaptations that are currently being developed for KLINGER Dichtungstechnik can also be implemented quickly at other KLINGER production sites. “This will allow us to create a cross-factory standard in the future,” says Ernst Schäfer, Technical Managing Director of KLINGER Dichtungstechnik.

Digital quality management

Meticulous quality control is essential to ensure customers receive premium products. In the past, the calender operators had to collect the necessary data for each batch, including material thickness and any optical or other defects, and record them on a quality control chart. “This time-consuming manual documentation is finally a thing of the past!” happily notes Ernst Schäfer. The quality assurance process has been completely digitized since the end of 2021. The machine now has an industrial computer with a touchpad. With just a few touches of the screen, you can view the automatically recorded measurement results, such as roller pressure, roller gap and speed. This allows the KLINGER team to easily ensure that the products come out of the rolling mill exactly as specified in all parameters.


Digital Quality control: Data at KLINGER Dichtungstechnik used to be recorded using a grid as seen on the left. Now the data is evaluated live via the SCADA system which communicates with the production machines and sensors as can be seen on the right. The data can be accessed from any computer.
Digital Quality control: Data at KLINGER Dichtungstechnik used to be recorded using a grid as seen on the left. Now the data is evaluated live via the SCADA system which communicates with the production machines and sensors as can be seen on the right. The data can be accessed from any computer.

At KLINGER Dichtungstechnik, all the essential manufacturing processes, i.e. all the systems and machines, are currently being upgraded in order to collect data and, in some cases, send automatic alarms. “This is the first phase of the digitization process. This will provide us with an overview of the conditions in the production facilities and allow us to further optimize the processes,” explains Ernst Schäfer.

The next step is already being implemented: the fully automatic control of the production system. In the near future, we will also begin introducing artificial intelligence at KLINGER Dichtungstechnik: The SCADA monitoring software (see info box) will be expanded to include an AI tool that compares current processes with existing data. This will enable critical system areas to interface with the fire alarm control panel, processes to be designed more efficiently, downtimes to be avoided and important decisions to be made on the basis of real data.

What is SCADA?

SCADA stands for “Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition”. Companies use SCADA systems to control their factories at multiple locations and collect data about the operating processes, making them more transparent.

The following applications are possible via SCADA:

  • Control of processes (even remotely)
  • Interaction with devices via software
  • Recording, monitoring and processing of events and data


A model company in terms of digitization with a long tradition: Federal Minister Margarete Schramböck was shown the KLINGER Dichtungstechnik facilities in Gumpoldskirchen.
A model company in terms of digitization with a long tradition: Federal Minister Margarete Schramböck was shown the KLINGER Dichtungstechnik facilities in Gumpoldskirchen.

At the calender, Schramböck inspected the production process for the gasket sheets.
At the calender, Schramböck inspected the production process for the gasket sheets.

With a sales share of 85 percent, the universally applicable KLINGERSil is the clear top seller at KLINGER Dichtungstechnik. The quality assurance process for this product was completely digitized in 2021.
With a sales share of 85 percent, the universally applicable KLINGERSil is the clear top seller at KLINGER Dichtungstechnik. The quality assurance process for this product was completely digitized in 2021.

The monitors next to the TopChem production system show all the key furnace parameters such as temperature distribution and air volume flows in real time.
The monitors next to the TopChem production system show all the key furnace parameters such as temperature distribution and air volume flows in real time.

In product development, KLINGER Dichtungstechnik Head of R&D Stephan Piringer (left) presented the raw materials used in the complex formulas for the KLINGER gasket sheets.
In product development, KLINGER Dichtungstechnik Head of R&D Stephan Piringer (left) presented the raw materials used in the complex formulas for the KLINGER gasket sheets.

Before leaving the production hall, each individual batch is tested in the laboratory to ensure that the product properties are perfect. Minister Schramböck herself performed a stress test on the material.
Before leaving the production hall, each individual batch is tested in the laboratory to ensure that the product properties are perfect. Minister Schramböck herself performed a stress test on the material.

Photos credited by BMDW/Hartberger


The fivefold digital offensive

KLINGER Dichtungstechnik is a prime example of digitization. Data is already being generated and analyzed in all five core areas of production.

number 1

Precise production processes in the mixing shop

The mixing programs include the gasket sheet formulas. Each of these is fully recorded to ensure the end product meets specifications and has the desired properties. Among other things, the following data is recorded:

  • Complete documentation of the individual process steps
  • Continual monitoring of the mixing temperatures of the sealant
  • Real-time monitoring of power consumption and engine speed
  • Exact dosing of the liquids, in the right quantity, density and temperature
  • Analysis of how much solvent goes into which batch


number 2

A rolling mill with technological support

All the calenders are already connected to the SCADA software, which enables extensive reporting for every process. These parameters are measured and visualized:

  • Rolling pressure: knowing the pressure at which rolling takes place in each individual chamber of the hydraulic cylinder allows conclusions to be drawn about the quality of the sheet.
  • Operating status: the data makes the production process of each individual batch transparent, allowing error sources to be quickly identified and rectified.
  • Product quality in real time: the digital quality control chart saves time and paper.
  • Power consumption and torque of the motors: the automatically measured data is used for further analysis.
  • Temperature: knowing the temperatures in the top and bottom rollers as well as the gearbox, drastically reduces the risk of the system overheating and stopping.
  • Flow rate of the oil lubrication: monitored digitally to ensure the machines remain optimally lubricated for uninterrupted operation.
  • Rotational speed of the extractor unit: exact synchronicity with the bottom roller is crucial to avoid damaging the gasket sheet.


number 3

A smart oven for TopChem sheets

TopChem sheets are rolled with different parameters and hardened in ovens. The process is fully integrated into the SCADA system, which means the production can be continuously optimized. Among other things, the software collects and controls:

  • Rolling pressure: knowing the pressure at which rolling takes place in each individual chamber of the hydraulic cylinder allows conclusions to be drawn about the quality of the sheet.
  • the roller parameters, such as nip, cycle time and speed
  • the automatic transfer of the formulas to the system
  • the visualization of all the key parameters, for example the temperatures in the combustion chamber and the product, volume flows and flap positions



The TopChem ovens are digitally controlled.
The TopChem ovens are digitally controlled.

number 4

A self-sufficient boiler house

The operation of the boiler house is fully automatic and self-sufficient. Operator intervention is only needed in the event of a technical fault or for maintenance and service work. The following data is monitored and displayed:

  • Boiler pressure
  • Steam quantity, total and per consumer. Among other things, it shows which system consumes how much energy.
  • Hot water, in kWh of heating capacity


number 5

Solvent recovery system

Well over 90 percent of the solvents used in the manufacturing process are recovered and reused by the recovery system. Activated carbon comes into play for this sustainable use of resources: it binds the substances, is then washed out of the boiler house with steam and passes over a separating level . The individual components are separated, the ethanol is recovered via a still and the water is cleaned again before it is discharged into the sewage system. The physical process is monitored digitally, including:

  • Live monitoring of every step of the recovery process
  • Continuous monitoring of the wastewater and its pH value.



Discover the departments of KLINGER Dichtungstechnik

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