KLINGER Group Facts and Figures
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KLINGER Group Facts and Figures

The KLINGER Group is one of the leading suppliers of industrial valves and sealing technology. Discover the global market, financials and company statistics.

The 5 most important facts about the KLINGER Group:

  • International presence: KLINGER is active in more than 60 countries on five continents and consists of 45 production, sales and service companies.
  • Production: Gaskets, valves, measuring instruments, expansion joints and hoses are manufactured at 18 production sites.
  • Employees: More than 2,800 employees work for KLINGER worldwide.
  • Company history: The company has been headquartered in Gumpoldskirchen, Austria, for more than 130 years.
  • Financials: The KLINGER Group generates annual sales of 684 million euros (unconsolidated).


Discover KLINGER locations globally

Sales per Industry



Two thirds of KLINGER's sales are gained in transport, manufacturing and chemical industries. In addition, our regional operations are specialized in various focus industries.

Sales per Region



Founded more than 130 years ago in the heart of Europe, today KLINGER companies and solution partners can be found in 60 countries worldwide.

Product Mix



KLINGER is your industrial partner for the leakage-free transport of liquids & gases. Our core products include valves and seals.

€ 684 million*
Annual Sales

Are generated by the KLINGER Group per year. (* Unconsolidated)

The KLINGER Group is an internationally active company in the field of industrial valves and sealing technology. With 45 production, sales and service companies and more than 2,800 employees worldwide, the company is one of the leading suppliers in this field.

In total, the KLINGER Group operates 18 production sites, where gaskets, valves, measuring instruments, expansion joints and hoses are manufactured. In the process, the company is active in more than 60 countries on five continents.

For more than 130 years, KLINGER has been headquartered in Gumpoldskirchen, Austria. The company was founded there and has since developed into a globally active technology and service company.

In 2023, the KLINGER Group generated sales of 684 million euros (unconsolidated). The company's activities are divided into the two divisions Manufacturing and Service & Sales.

As a leading manufacturer and supplier of industrial gaskets, fluid control and fluid monitoring systems, KLINGER takes care of plant safety for industry, OEM manufacturers and plant operators. In doing so, the company provides solutions for a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, chemicals, oil and gas, infrastructure, energy, pulp and paper, transportation, pharmaceuticals, and food and beverage.

The KLINGER Group's core products include valves, soft gaskets, metal gaskets, graphite sheets and rings, elastomer seals, and level measurement instruments. With this broad product range and a strong focus on quality and innovation, the company has established a strong market position and is well-positioned to meet its customers' needs in the future.

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