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Safe water supply provided by KLINGER Argentina’s Water & Sewage Division

KLINGER Argentina expands water supply: 50% of the population in Argentina does not have sewage services, 16% has no access to a safe water network

KLINGER Argentina features a setup that is uniquely adapted to meet one of the most important needs of the country it serves: With its Water & Sewage Division, the Argentinian company has been tackling water-related challenges since 1999. Its references in this field include both national and provincial projects. And with regard to its efforts and success rate, the Division’s motto could very well be “leave no one behind.”


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“In order to understand the significance of our Water & Sewage Division, one has to be aware of certain key figures,” says Alberto Pinter, Managing Director of KLINGER Argentina, “50 percent of our population does not have sewage services.” He pauses to let this sink in, adding: “And 16 percent of the country’s inhabitants do not have access to a safe water network. These facts underline the importance of professional wastewater and potable water services, which our division provides.” According to Mr. Pinter, KLINGER Argentina’s offering primarily focuses on municipal and infrastructure solutions, specifically on waterworks.

Alberto Pinter, Managing Director of KLINGER Argentina

„We see it as our duty to support the growth and development of our country with our products and services.“

Alberto Pinter, Managing Director of KLINGER Argentina


Products and services offered by the Water & Sewage Division

As is to be expected from a country where access to water-related services is an issue, competition is fierce. KLINGER Argentina’s Water & Sewage Division nevertheless manages to stand out among its main competitors due to a very down-to-earth approach in terms of its product offering. “Our projects typically include air relief, butterfly, control, gate, knife gate and duo check valves. We also offer couplings, flow and water meters, repair clamps and fittings as well as surge vessels and corresponding modeling software,” summarizes Cristian Gonzalez, Sales Manager of the Water & Sewage Division. He adds: “This range comprises products from both KLINGER and other high-quality manufacturers. We work in a critical field, where maintaining or restoring the supply of water to a fully operational state is paramount. In order to do so, we select the solution best suited to resolve the problem – considerations regarding the utilized brand are secondary in this context.”

KLINGER Argentina can already look back on more than 20 years in the water market. This has led to an impressive accumulation of knowledge, from which its customers benefit. “Next to high-quality products at competitive prices, we can provide full fluid control packages for a specific project. This also includes technical advice regarding control and air relief valves, our stock of universal fittings and rubber gate valves, aftersales services as well as technical consulting and trainings for plant employees,” says Mr. Gonzalez, listing but a few of the company’s benefits.

High-profile references include the Futaleufú hydroelectric plant and second Chaco aqueduct projects

High-profile references include the Futaleufú hydroelectric plant and second Chaco aqueduct projects

As part of a company that is on call to provide support and aid wherever it is required in Argentina, the Water & Sewage Division has accumulated a significant amount of references and – due to the size of the country it serves – a considerable mileage. In 2017, for example, Cristian Gonzalez and his team responded to an emergency in the province of Santa Fe. Two of the gate valves of the state-run water services provider Aguas Santafesinas had broken down. As the company provides around 60 percent of the province’s population with potable water, the situation was indeed critical. KLINGER Argentina was able to identify and remedy the problem. In this case it was a faulty installation coupled with an incorrectly applied torque.

Next to waterworks, the Argentinian fluid control experts are also at hand wherever the topic at hand is “only” water-related. For example at the Futaleufú hydrolectric power plant: Mr. Gonzalez and his colleagues were brought on board to find a way to shield the plant’s water-bearing, critical components from cavitation effects. This was achieved by means of special pressure reduction valves.

The Water & Sewage Division also plays an important role in the second Chaco aqueduct project, where it carried out a surge analysis for the upgrade to a 100 km long main water line to ensure that water hammers, which could ultimately collapse the pipe, can be avoided. Furthermore, it provided consulting services for the selection of the dual-chamber pump control valves and control panels that ensure fault-free operation. High pressure also played an important role in the Termas de Reyes aqueduct, where the Argentinians were able to resolve the issue at hand with pressure reduction valves.


KLINGER Argentina contributes to country’s development

Summarizing the work of his Water & Sewage Division, Managing Director Alberto Pinter states: “We enjoy excellent business relations with waterworks and municipalities such as Argentine Water and Sanitation (AySa), Aguas Santafesinas, Aguas Cordobesas and the majority of the country’s water and sanitation companies. We see it as our duty to support the growth and development of our country with our products and services. Applying the vast amount of technical knowledge and experience, coupled with top-of-the-line products and solutions, this is exactly what our Water & Sewage Division does. Every day.”

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