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ESG - Environmental Social Governance

Sustainable procurement yields environmental award

KLINGER Schöneberg has received the EcoVadis Gold rating for its commitment to sustainable procurement, circular economy, and reduced carbon emissions.

Sustainability ratings provider EcoVadis has rated valve manufacturer KLINGER Schöneberg Gold for the first time. Reduced carbon emissions as well as its circular economy and sustainable procurement place the company among the top 1% in the industry.

KLINGER Schöneberg rated Gold by EcoVadis
KLINGER Schöneberg rated Gold by EcoVadis

Following its 2022 audit of KLINGER Schöneberg, sustainability ratings provider EcoVadis has upgraded the ball valve manufacturer to Gold. Having further boosted its sustainability credentials, KLINGER Schöneberg achieved an average of 70 out of 100 possible points, placing it among the top five percent of companies overall assessed by EcoVadis.

“We are proud that KLINGER Schöneberg has now been rated Gold by EcoVadis. This is a clear recognition of our commitment to sustainability throughout our value chain and gives our customers and suppliers the assurance that we are continuously striving to be an ever more environmentally responsible and trusted global partner in all aspects,” says Manfred Goßmann, Managing Director of KLINGER Schöneberg.


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Learn more about sustainable circular economy at KLINGER Schöneberg


EcoVadis sustainability rating

Since 2017, KLINGER Schöneberg has been regularly audited and certified by EcoVadis based on documented evidence. The EcoVadis sustainability assessment is a globally recognised, independent, fee-based service that analyses the business practices and sustainability impacts of companies and supply chains.

EcoVadis is the world’s most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings and has so far assessed more than 90,000 companies in 200 industry sectors in more than 160 countries. The EcoVadis rating is based on 21 sustainability criteria in four categories: Environment, Sustainable Procurement, Ethics, and Labour & Human Rights. Through consistent enhancements in all areas, KLINGER Schöneberg has transformed its 2020 Silver status to Gold in 2022, propelling it above the industry average in its sector.

Closed-loop disposal system

A key to the improved result was the company’s sustainable procurement practice. In this assessment category, the sustainability survey of all A and B suppliers as well as their Supplier Codes of Conduct, confirmed in writing, boosted the score by 20 points to 70. In the environment category, KLINGER Schöneberg has implemented a sustainable circular economy process. Through its cooperation with Rudolf Schuy GmbH & Co. KG – a trusted expert in the disposal of common metals and substances, KLINGER Schöneberg can offer its customers in the chemical industry a closed-loop disposal system in which the cooperating partner collects all industrial valves, sorts them according to material type and forwards them to the appropriate recycling or material recovery service. In addition to its environmental value, this process makes a significant contribution to supplying the economy with raw materials.

High-efficiency compressor

KLINGER Schöneberg has also significantly reduced its carbon emissions and its water and energy use by using green electricity and installing photovoltaics as well as a highly efficient compressor. By introducing circular economy and reducing consumption of resources, the valve manufacturer upped its score in this category by ten points to 70.

Its score in the segments Ethics and Labour & Human Rights also increased by ten points to 70 in each case. This is thanks mainly to the publication of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report, which contains the key performance indicators, tasks, future goals and associated risks in all areas of corporate activity. A whistleblowing system was also established, allowing employees to anonymously report observed abuses or violations of regulations without fear of adverse consequences.

Sector comparison and potential for improvement

The certification process has highlighted further potential for improvement in all assessed categories, which the company’s management follows up on in each case. The process also provides assessed companies with a valuable comparison with others in their industry, which further supports their continuous improvement efforts. Stressing the company’s intention of continuing and expanding its development effort, Business Development Manager Marcel Goßmann says:

Marcel Goßmann, Business Development Manager at KLINGER Schöneberg

„Despite our excellent rating, which places KLINGER Schöneberg among the top one per cent in the industry, we will continue to leverage the assessment results to implement potential improvements.“

Marcel Goßmann, Business Development Manager at KLINGER Schöneberg

Many globally active companies, including KLINGER Schöneberg’s major customers (such as BASF, DOW, Covestro, Archroma, UPM, OMV, Bayer, Henkel, Solvay, Evonik, Lyondell Basell, Akzo Nobel, Eastman, Clariant, Arkema, Merck, Wacker, Lanxess, Oleon and Syngenta Agro, among others), also participate in the EcoVadis system. “They keep an eye on our scorecard to stay up to date on our sustainability development.”

“KLINGER Schöneberg will continue to make a significant contribution to sustainable corporate development,” says Manfred. “We are convinced that the future belongs to sustainably manufactured products.”


We are convinced that the future belongs to sustainably manufactured products. - Manfred Goßmann
We are convinced that the future belongs to sustainably manufactured products. - Manfred Goßmann

KLINGER Schöneberg is a Germany-based manufacturer of industrial valves. The company specializes in research, development, production and sales of industrial valves, especially ball valves and pneumatic actuators. For more than 20 years now, it develops tailored solutions – including automation products and systems for even the harshest conditions – for critical applications in the chemical, petrochemical and mechanical engineering sectors.

Learn more about sustainable circular economy at KLINGER Schöneberg

Fact box

Did you know …

  • … that KLINGER Schöneberg has more than 12,000 different product designs on offer?
  • ... that KLINGER Schöneberg’s development, production and logistics facilities are in Graben-Neudorf, about 20 kilometres (12,42 miles) from Karlsruhe?
  • … KLINGER Schöneberg’s office, warehouse and production facilities are all housed in a single building of approx. 4,200 m² (2,690 square miles)?
  • … industrial valves in process engineering systems of all industries are important components for maintaining conveying and production processes?
  • ... metal-seated ball valves are totally gas-tight and therefore comply with leakage class IV?

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