CTP-DUMAG benefits from proximity to KLINGER Gebetsroither in Gumpoldskirchen
CTP-DUMAG uses KLINGER valves and gaskets in its industrial burner systems. New company headquarters in KLINGER Business Park in Gumpoldkirchen
CTP-DUMAG can trace its origins back to the 1930s. As a combustion technology expert, it focuses on the manufacturing of industrial burners and lances. Its unique and globally competitive Austrian engineering know-how is also applied to construct entire burner systems. And it has a company address our customers might well be familiar with: Am Kanal 8 - 10 in Gumpoldskirchen, which is also the address of the KLINGER business park in Lower Austria. Robert Schröger, CTP-DUMAG’s executive manager, tells us how this came about and what it is like to be the next-door neighbor of your supplier.
When we catch up with Robert Schröger, he is in the final preparations of a business trip to Asia. “We are a globally active company with a strong presence in Europe. 70 percent of our sales, however, are generated in China, Thailand and Malaysia,“ explains the executive manager, adding: “We are currently in the process of establishing a second business location in Asia.”
The products that form the basis for the upcoming expansion of CTP-DUMAG are industrial burners and lances for a wide range of industries, including the chemical and the petrochemical industry, waste incinerators and energy providers. “Our mission is three-fold,” explains Schröger, “we destroy waste, we reduce CO2 and our technology provides process energy.” Asked about the company’s connection to KLINGER, he states: “I joined the predecessor company DUMAG after the completion of my studies in machine engineering in 1992. Even back then, KLINGER Gebetsroither was already on the vendor list.”
A burner station with KLINGER Gebetsroither gaskets and valves
Moving in together
The company, as it exists today, was formed after a merger between CTP and DUMAG in 2011, which also led to new offices being required. Hearing about this, a business partner mentioned that office space was available right next to KLINGER in Gumpoldskirchen. “In the more than 30 years of our collaboration, we never had a single problem with the valves and gaskets supplied by KLINGER Gebetsroither,” explains Schröger, and adds: “The advantages of being very close to such a supplier made the decision a simple one.”
„Today the Dow Chemical Company is one of our major customers. But the tracks for this positive development were set back then in KLINGER’s test facilities.“
Robert Schröger, Executive Manager of CTP-DUMAG
CTP-DUMAG uses KLINGER valves and gaskets for the control and combustion systems in its burners and in the meantime has its company seat in the KLINGER business park, where it calls 300 square meters of office space its own. And one of its main suppliers is only around 500 meters away.
According to CTP-DUMAG’s executive manager, this leads to numerous synergies: “In our business it is imperative that the equipment manufacturer and his suppliers act in concert. This also includes a lot of flexibility when it comes to the selection of components as well as meeting the required specifications. KLINGER Gebetsroither fulfills all the criteria.”
Dropping by
Asked about the most memorable event in the cooperation between CTP-DUMAG and KLINGER, Robert Schröger remembers: “Somewhere between 2012 and 2013 we were awarded a project by the Dow Chemical Company, a major player in the chemical industry. And one of the many advantages of having KLINGER as your next-door neighbor, is that you can hold your acceptance tests for entire plant components there. And this is what we did.”
According to Robert Schröger, the outcome was even better than expected. All the tests went flawlessly, and the customer was highly impressed with the level of professionalism and by the precision with which the test were carried out. “Today the Dow Chemical Company is one of our major customers. But the tracks for this positive development were set back then in KLINGER’s test facilities,” explains Schröger.
And the success story of the two companies is still ongoing: Acceptance tests are still held on the KLINGER premises on a regular basis and the colleagues from KLINGER Gebetsroither often visit to update Robert Schröger and his team on the latest in sealing technology, valve automation and new standards. Which once again proves that customer proximity pays off – even if it is actually the customer who moves closer to the supplier.
KLINGER Gebetsroither's new headquarters in Upper Austria
KLINGER Gebetsroither is a full solutions provider for gaskets, valves, technical products and hot water units. The new headquarters was built in Marchtenk.
Online shop of KLINGER Gebetsroither now live
E-commerce solution featuring the full gasket, valve, instrumentation, technical products and hot water technology range
KLINGER Gebetsroither installs Vienna's first large-scale heat pump
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