Legal notice of KLINGER Holding GmbH

Legal notice and disclosure according to §5 ECG, §14 UGB, §§24 and 25 Media Act

Responsible for the content

Owner of site and media:
KLINGER Holding GmbH

Address and contact:
Am Kanal 8-10
A-2352 Gumpoldskirchen / Österreich
Tel: +43 2252 607 186 0

Information about the company:
Managing director: Peter Müller, Daniel Schibli, Christoph Klinger-Lohr
Person in charge of the content: Christina Raimann, Head of Group Marketing & Communications
Person responsible for implementation: Christopher Zajac, Digital Marketing

UID-Number: ATU68394622
Place of company registry: Wiener Neustadt

Type of business: Holding company

Purpose of the website: The website of KLINGER Holding GmbH delivers information about the group of companies itself, its products, services and other activities.



  • Stock photos: shutterstock,
  • News and blog images: KLINGER Companies, KLINGER Holding



The homepage uses the content management system Contao.

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